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Lost Your Invisalign Aligner? Here’s What to Do Next

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newengland-kids @ 6:18 pm
Mother and daughter looking for an Invisalign aligner

Everyone has lost something at one time or another. Accidents happen and things get misplaced. However, losing an Invisalign aligner can feel like it’s on a whole other level! Even so, in times like this, it’s important to take the right steps to get back on track. Read on to find a step-by-step guide on what to do if you lose your Invisalign tray.

1. Don’t Panic

First and foremost, don’t panic! Losing an aligner is a common issue and can be fixed before it causes a problem with your treatment. Staying calm will help you make better decisions and take the right steps to resolve the situation.

2. Retrace Your Steps

Try to remember where you last had your aligner. Check common places like your bathroom, bedroom, or any area where you typically remove your aligners. Look in your aligner case, pockets, and bags. The aligners can be hard to see if on the floor, so be careful where you step!

3. Contact Your Dental Care Provider

If you can’t find your aligner, it’s best to contact your dentist or orthodontist as soon as possible. While this can be an intimidating thought, you shouldn’t worry. They won’t be judgmental and will be more than happy to provide guidance on what to do next.

4. Follow Expert Advice

Your dentist may suggest different options based on your specific treatment plan:

  • Return to a Previous Aligner: If advised by your dentist or orthodontist, start wearing your previous aligner. This helps maintain the progress you’ve made and prevents your teeth from shifting while you wait for a replacement tray.
  • Move to the Next Aligner: If you were close to switching to the next set, your dentist might allow you to start wearing it early. This is usually the best-case scenario as you can continue your treatment without interruption.
  • Order a Replacement Aligner: If moving to the next aligner isn’t an option, your dentist will order a replacement for the lost one. This can take a few days to a week, depending on the circumstances, so it’s important to continue following your dentist or orthodontist’s advice to keep your treatment on track.

While losing your Invisalign aligner can be inconvenient, it’s manageable with the right action plan. Stay calm, contact your dentist, and follow their guidance. It’s not the end of the world, and it won’t be the end of your treatment either! Just breathe and take this as a learning opportunity that will help you handle your aligners more carefully in the future.

About the Practice

At New England Kids Pediatric Dentistry, General Dentistry and Orthodontics, their expert team of dental professionals is ready and waiting to help you. They offer excellent dental and orthodontic solutions through tailor-made treatment plans and advanced dental technology. Whatever your needs, they can accommodate! Call (508) 832-6278 to schedule an Invisalign consultation or visit the website to discover other treatments and services they offer.

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